M4200 - How do I recover the password using the boot menu?
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NETGEAR - Switches  

This article describes the process required to recover the admin password and, optionally, the enable password of an M4200 managed switch using the boot menu.
1. Open a console connection to the switch using a terminal emulation program with these settings:
o Speed (baud): 115200
o Data bits: 8
o Stop bits: 1
o Parity: None
o Flow control: XON/XOFF
2. Reboot the switch and monitor the console output closely.
3. As soon as FASTPATH Startup -- Main Menu is displayed, type 2 and press Enter to display the boot menu. You need to do this quickly, otherwise the switch will continue to boot normally.

4. In the boot menu, type 13 and press Enter:

5. The switch boots into password recovery mode. When prompted for a username, press Enter to begin enable mode:
6. Type configure and press Enter to change to configuration mode.
7. To reset the admin password, use the command username admin password <newpassword> (replace <newpassword> with the password of your choice).
8. Type exit and then press Enter to exit configuration mode.
9. (Optional) To reset the enable password, type the command enable password <newpassword> (replace <newpassword> with the password of your choice).

10. Type save and press Enter to save the changes. When prompted, type Y.
11. Type reload and press Enter to reload the switch. When prompted type Y.

Last Updated: 05/24/2016 02:45 PM



    更新日期: 8/23/2016 4:58:37 PM  


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