How do I manually update the firmware on my Orbi Router?
點擊 - 2025  |  0 個人喜歡這篇文章和覺得有幫助 KBA-675

NETGEAR - Orbi  

To update the Orbi router firmware, do the following:

  1. Return to
    The BASIC Home page displays.
  2. Go back to the Firmware Update page:
    Select ADVANCED > Administration > Firmware Update
    Click the Manual Update tab.
  3. Click the Browse button, then locate and select the file that ends in .img or .chk on your desktop
    Be careful not to select the wrong file.
  4. Click the UPLOAD button to upload the firmware file.

    The following page displays:
  5. Click the YES button to continue.
    It takes a few minutes to finish to process.

  6. After the Orbi router finishes updating, double check the firmware version in the upper-right coner.

    更新日期: 2/15/2018 2:29:42 PM  


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