How do I clear the password on a managed GSM switch with firmware 10.x?
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NETGEAR - Switches  

How do I clear the password on a managed GSM switch with firmware 10.x?


This is a procedure to clear or change the login password for admin, on a managed switch using firmware or later. This does not apply to the M5300 series.


Follow these steps to clear a password from a managed switch with firmware or later.

You will need a DB9 cable or a “mini-B” type USB cable.

If you use a mini-B USB you will need the “USB Console Driver” available on this site.

You will need a serial client like putty.

  • Turn OFF the switch.

Choose the correct position for the USB/DB9 selector based on the cable type you are using.

On your PC check your COM settings to determine the COM port needed.

Launch the serial client app.

Select the correct COM line to use.

Set speed to115200, Data bits 8, Stop bits 1, Parity None, and Flow control  to XON/XOFF

  • Launch the connection.
  • Start the switch.

At this time you will see the code flow on the interface.

  • Look for the line “Checking for application”
  • Within 2 seconds of seeing “checking for application”  PRESS “Q”
  • Type “13” (Password Recovery Procedure) and press enter.

The switch will reboot and prompt for “user”

  • Press any key
  • Type “config”, and press enter.

If you want to “clear” the password

  • Type “passwords min-length 0", and enter
  • Type “username admin nopassword”, and press enter.
  • Type “exit”
  • Type "save"

If you want to “change” the password

-After typing “config”;

  • Type “username admin password ”
  • Enter.
  • Type “exit”
  • Type “save”

-To test if the changes have been made;

  • Type “reload”

Wait for the switch to prompt you for user login

  • Login with your new settings.



    更新日期: 2/26/2016 5:46:02 PM  


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