WC7600 - How do I activate the license included in a bundle kit (WC7660SKT)?
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NETGEAR - Business Wireless  

How do I activate the license included in a bundle kit (WC7660SKT)?

If you purchased a WC7600 wireless controller as a bundle with pre-assigned licences (e.g. WC7660SKT), you have to retrieve them from the NETGEAR licencing server to activate them.


Get Internet connection working:

First, before you start, the wireless controller must have a working internet connection.
To achiveve this, make sure that DNS Server and Default Gateway addresses for your network are set correctly on the controller, under Configuration >> System >> IP/VLAN :

You can verify that the connection is working with the Diagnostics >> Ping page. Try to ping netgear.com, for example.


To retreive the licences that are assigned to your WC7600: (WC7660SKT)

  1. Log into your controller, and go to Maintenance >> Licencing >> Licence >> Advanced in the interface:
  2. Press the Replace button.
  3. The key(s) should populate and Key Status should come up as Registered and will also show up on the Inventory tab as well.


  • The controller comes with a 2 Access Point (AP) evaluation licence, so you can test the system, but that evaluation licence will expire when you apply the first purchased licence.
  • You can apply up to 50 AP licences per controller, Licenses come in 10 or 50 AP packs. Also, you can stack 3 controllers to control up to 150 APs, when fully licenced.
  • If your WC7600 is replaced under warranty by Netgear, you can use this same process to retrieve your licences on the replacement unit.


Published 06/06/2014 07:54 AM   |   Updated 04/13/2015 02:57 PM

    更新日期: 5/24/2015 5:35:37 PM  


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