KB-NETGEAR M4500 Firmware and Bios Upgrade Procedures
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NETGEAR - Switches  

I. M4500-48XF8C Firmware Upgrade


Firmware Download link:

M4500-48XF8C (XSM4556) - https://www.netgear.com/support/product/m4500-48xf8c#download

M4500-32C (CSM4532)- M4500-32C (CSM4532) | M4500 Fully Managed Switch | NETGEAR Support



PC and NETGEAR M4500 Configuration:

  1. NETGEAR M4500 OOB Port IP -
  2. Connect your PC to NETGEAR M4500 OOB port with IP /
  3. You do need physical access to the switch console port to complete the process. You also need a computer with a serial port or a USB-to-serial-port adaptor and the serial-to-RJ45 cable that comes with the M4500 series switch and connect to Console port with 115200 /none /8 /1
  4. Start TFTP Server and put M4500 firmware file (eg. onie-installer-x86_64-netgear_m4500-48xf8c_dnv- to the same path.



M4500 Firmware Upgrade:

Login to M4500-48XF8C via Console Cable




Press “Ctrl + Z”

  _   _   _____   _____    ____   _____      _      ____

 | \ | | | ____| |_   _|  / ___| | ____|    / \    |  _ \

 |  \| | |  _|     | |   | |  _  |  _|     / _ \   | |_) |

 | |\  | | |___    | |   | |_| | | |___   / ___ \  |  _ <

 |_| \_| |_____|   |_|    \____| |_____| /_/   \_\ |_| \_


NETGEAR M4500 Menu


1: CLI Console

2: Firmware update without verification using SCP

3: Firmware update without verification using TFTP

4: Firmware update with verification using SCP

5: Firmware update with verification using TFTP

6: Reboot


Enter your menu option: 5

IP address (               

Port Number (defaults to 69):

Using port 69 as nothing was entered

name or /path/to/file: onie-installer-x86_64-netgear_m4500-48xf8c_dnv-

Starting TFTP transfer

Downloading firmware

Firmware signature verification status: passed

Installing firmware


Verifying firmware checksum ...

Firmware checksum verification status: passed

copying ONIE image to ONIE installer partition


!   WARNING   !


!  You are about going back to ONIE in order to reinstall operating system.

!  After you reinstall os, all system data except startup-config will be lost and

!  cannot be recovered.

!  Are you sure? [y/N]  y


Updating ONIE GRUB configuration to reinstall qnos OS

Reboot for changes to take effect

  _   _   _____   _____    ____   _____      _      ____

 | \ | | | ____| |_   _|  / ___| | ____|    / \    |  _ \

 |  \| | |  _|     | |   | |  _  |  _|     / _ \   | |_) |

 | |\  | | |___    | |   | |_| | | |___   / ___ \  |  _ <

 |_| \_| |_____|   |_|    \____| |_____| /_/   \_\ |_| \_


NETGEAR M4500 Menu


1: CLI Console

2: Firmware update without verification using SCP

3: Firmware update without verification using TFTP

4: Firmware update with verification using SCP

5: Firmware update with verification using TFTP

6: Reboot


Enter your menu option: 6





II. M4500-48XF8C BIOS Upgrade




    更新日期: 12/4/2023 5:23:29 PM  


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