How do I setup a link between two NETGEAR switches to exchange multiple VLAN traffic?
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NETGEAR - Switches  

How do I setup a link between two NETGEAR switches to exchange multiple VLAN traffic?

Introduction: This article will show how to arrange 2 Vlan groups, across  2 different switches.

Topology plan:

  1. The following matrix provides example information, on how to configure a port (Port 5) to transport traffic,  for both VLAN2 and VLAN3.

The configuration is to be repeated on the 2nd switches that will be connected via Port 5.

The example can be extended to any number of ports, although it is assumed that only one Port will connect each switch to the other.






VLAN2, Remove from VLAN1




VLAN2, Remove from VLAN1




VLAN3, Remove from VLAN1




VLAN3, Remove from VLAN1




VLAN2, VLAN3, Remove fromVLAN1

Not relevant

T in VLAN2, T inVLAN3


  1. To create Vlan, you go Switching>> Vlan>> Advanced> Vlan Configuration.  Enter the ID  and description.  Hit "Add" shown at the bottiom right of screen.


  1. The switch when in its default ( out of the box ) state, will have all ports in Vlan1.


  1. We take out ports 1 to 5 out of Vlan 1 as shown. Hit "Apply" on bottom right.


  1. This is a small aside. I am using port 20 for management of the switch. You  can see the traffic count, under the Monitoring tab.   Be careful not to move this active port into a different Vlan, as you will break your own path, and lock yourself out.


It is very easy to move all 24 ports collectively into  another Vlan, by using the single box beside "Unit1 " in yellow above. I advise against this.

Assigning ports

  1. To assign ports in  Vlan 2


  • Here, ports 1 & 2 are made untagged members of Vlan 2. Port 5 is Trunk.


  1. Here, ports 3 & 4 are made untagged members of Vlan 3. Port 5 is Trunk.

PVID's--Per Vlan Identifiers.

  1. The next stage is to set the PVIDs. This applies to ports in one Vlan only, and not to Trunk ports. Switching> Vlan> Advanced > Port PVID Configuration.

I show how to alter PVID of ports 1 & 2.


  • Similarly ports 3 and 4 are moved. Click "Apply" at the bottom right, to implement.



To verify, put static IP's on 2 different PC's, eg both on both 2 for example, on each switch. They should be able to ping each other, but not ping any device in Vlan1, or Vlan3.



    更新日期: 12/30/2016 2:06:48 PM  

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