How do I remotely access files using the ReadyCLOUD app for Windows with my router?
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NETGEAR - Home Networking  

How do I remotely access files using the ReadyCLOUD app for Windows with my NETGEAR router?

To remotely access files using the ReadyCLOUD app for Windows:

  1. Insert a USB storage device into a USB port on your router and wait for the USB LED to light.
  2. Visit and sign in using your ReadyCLOUD user name and password.
    The ReadyCLOUD Home page displays. 
  3. Click the Get the ReadyCLOUD App for Windows Explorer access link and click the Download ReadyCLOUD app button.
  4. Save the software and install it on your computer.
    The ReadyCLOUD Setup Wizard displays.
  5. Click the Next button.
    The Wizard begins installing the ReadyCLOUD app.
  6. Follow the prompts and click the Finish button.
  7. From the Windows Start menu, launch ReadyCLOUD.
    You are prompted to log in to your ReadyCLOUD account.
  8. Enter your ReadyCLOUD user name and password and click the Sign In button.
    ReadyCLOUD displays your router and the USB storage device that is connected to it.
  9. Click a folder.
    An Explorer window displays that folder's contents.
    You can drag and drop files between windows.
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Published 05/08/2015 01:54 PM   |   Updated 08/13/2015 05:04 AM

    更新日期: 9/21/2015 5:48:13 PM  


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