How do i reboot my NETGEAR router using the router's interface?
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NETGEAR - Home Networking  

When facing issues with your NETGEAR router, sometimes performing a reboot of the router can help resolve these issues. This article will guide on how to reboot your NETGEAR router through the router's interface.

To reboot your NETGEAR router:

  1. Open a web browser on a computer or WiFi device that is connected to your NETGEAR router.
  2. Type or in the web browser address bar.
    You are prompted to log in to your router.
  3. Enter admin for the user name and password for the password.
    If you changed your admin password, enter the password that you created.
    NETGEAR genie displays.
  4. Click Advanced.
  5. Under Router Information, click Reboot. Wait for 2 minutes for the router to complete the reboot process.


    更新日期: 2/20/2017 9:46:55 AM  


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