How do I add a custom port forwarding service on my Nighthawk router?
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NETGEAR - Home Networking  

How do I add a custom port forwarding service on my Nighthawk router?

If you have a server in your home network, you can allow certain types of incoming traffic to reach the server. For example, you might want to make a local web server, FTP server, or game server visible and available to the Internet.

The router can forward incoming traffic with specific protocols to computers on your local network. You can specify the servers for applications and you can also specify a default DMZ server to which the router forwards all other incoming protocols.

To add a custom service:

1. Find out which port number or range of numbers the application uses.

You can usually find this information by contacting the publisher of the application or user groups or news groups.

2. Launch an Internet browser from a computer or wireless device that is connected to the network.

3. Type or

A login screen displays.

4. Enter the router user name and password.

The user name is admin. The default password is password. The user name and password are case-sensitive.

The BASIC Home screen displays.

5. Select ADVANCED > Advanced Setup > Port Forwarding/Port Triggering.

6. Leave the Port Forwarding radio button selected as the service type.

7. Click the Add Custom Service button.

8. In the Service Name field, enter a descriptive name.

9. In the Service Type field, select the protocol. If you are unsure, select TCP/UDP.

10. In the External Starting Port field, enter the beginning port number.

If the application uses a single port, enter the same port number in the Ending Port field.

If the application uses a range of ports, enter the ending port number of the range in the External Ending Port field.

11. Specify the internal ports by one of these methods:

  • Leave the Use the same port range for Internal port check box selected.You can usually find this information by contacting the publisher of the application or user groups or news groups.
  • Type the port numbers in the Internal Starting Port and Internal Ending Port fields.

12. Type the IP address in the Internal IP address field or select the radio button for an attached device listed in the table.

13. Click the Apply button.

The service is now in the list on the Port Forwarding/Port Triggering screen.

Published 12/06/2013 02:31 PM   |   Updated 04/20/2015 04:15 AM

    更新日期: 10/6/2015 4:10:51 PM  


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