FAQ - How do I change the motion sensitivity on my Arlo camera?
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Arlo - Main  

To adjust the motion sensitivity on your Arlo camera:

  1. Launch the Arlo app or log in to your Arlo account at arlo.netgear.com.
  2. Click or tap Mode.
  3. Click or tap the device whose motion sensitivity you want to adjust.
  4. Click > or tap the pencil icon  next to the mode that you want to edit.
  5. For Arlo Wire-Free and Arlo Pro Wire-Free cameras, click Edit or tap the pencil icon  next to the rule that you want to edit.
  6. Under If the following, click > or tap the pencil icon next to Motion is detected.
  7. Move the slider to adjust the sensitivity level for motion detection for this camera.
  8. Click Back > Save.

  9. Your motion sensitivity settings are saved.


    更新日期: 4/6/2017 12:22:38 PM  


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