FAQ - How do I adjust Arlo video recording length?
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Arlo - Main  

You can personalize your Arlo cameras to record videos from approximately 10 to 120 seconds long. To adjust video recording length, choose the camera you want update, and edit the Camera’s Rules. 


To adjust video recording length:

  1. Tap the Arlo app on your mobile device. You can also enter arlo.netgear.com in the address bar of a browser.
  2. Click or tap Mode.

  1. Click or tap the base station or camera that you want to adjust.
  2. Click or tap the pencil icon  next to the mode that you want to edit.
    Note: The Disarmed and Scheduled Modes do not apply in this case. Only active modes such as the Armed mode can adjust recording length.     

  1. Click or tap your preferred edit or pencil icon under Rules.

  1. Click or tap the pencil icon next to Record Video.
    Note: Record Video must be enabled to edit recording length.

  1. Move the Slider Controlto your preferred recording length.
  2. Click Save.
    Your recording length is updated.


    更新日期: 5/2/2017 3:48:23 PM  


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