Configure a stacking port as an ethernet port using the WEBUI on my NETGEAR switch?
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NETGEAR - Switches  

How do I configure a stacking port as an ethernet port using the web interface on my managed switch?

  1. On Switch A, configure a stack port as an Ethernet port.
    1. Select System > Stacking > Advanced > Stack Port Configuration.

      A screen similar to the following displays.

    2. Under Stack Port Configuration, scroll down and select the 2/0/28 check box.
    3. In the Configured Stack Mode list, select Ethernet.
    4. Click Apply to save the settings.
  2. Reboot the switch.
    1. Select Maintenance > Reset > Device Reboot.

      A screen similar to the following displays.

    2. In the Reboot Unit No. list, select 2.
    3. Click Apply.
  3. On Switch B, configure a stack port as an Ethernet port
    1. Select System > Stacking > Advanced > Stack Port Configuration.

      A screen similar to the following displays.

    2. Under Stack Port Configuration, scroll down and select the 1/0/51 check box.
    3. In the Configured Stack Mode list, select Ethernet.
    4. Click Apply to save the settings.
  4. Reboot the switch.
    1. Select Maintenance > Reset > Device Reboot.

      A screen similar to the following displays.

    2. In the Reboot Unit No. list, select 1 .
    3. Click Apply.

This article applies to the following managed switches and their respective firmware:

  • M5300 - firmware version 10.0.0.x
    • M5300-28G (GSM7228S)
    • M5300-5G (GSM7252S)
    • M5300-28G3 (GSM7328Sv2h2)
    • M5300-52G3 (GSM7352Sv2h2)
    • M5300-28G_POE+ (GSM7228PSv1h2)
    • M5300-52G-POE+ (GSM7252PSv1h2)
    • M5300-28GF3 (GSM7328FSv2)
  • XSM7224S - firmware version 9.0.1.x

    更新日期: 12/19/2016 5:28:31 PM  

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